start the new year upside down!
February 10th - March 21st
Registration Deadline February 8th
This term runs once a week for six weeks. We offer different beginner levels:
Level 1: You have never taken an aerial class before and want to experience
what it is all about! No strength or dance required to take this class.
It is recommended to take this class several times until you are able
to meet the pre-requisites to move up to Level 2.
Level 2: You have taken Level 1 multiple times and have checked off the pre-
requisite skills in order to move up and learn new ones. Learning to
have one climb is the goal for this level. Taking this class multiple
times is recommended in order to meet the necessary requirements
to move up to Level 3. Go to our pre-requisites or ask an instructor if
you are able to move up.
Level 3: In this level you have a solid climb and are ready to learn things off
the ground from a climb. We work heavily on technique now that you
have more strength and we add newer and harder challenges. Make
sure you meet the requirements to move to this level.
Choose a class based on your level, or if you are unsure, contact us and let us know. We would love to help you out!